You don't have to log in to accept Tempo Time Credits - it's quick and easy to process a transaction using just the name of your venue!
Click the video above to watch a short demo, or just follow these simple steps:
- Go to and scroll down the page and follow the link to accept Time Credits.
- Scroll down again past the spend venue login page, to find the button to Accept Time Credits without logging in.
- Select your venue from the drop-down list. You can type in the name of your venue to narrow down the list.
- Now you just need to follow three simple steps to accept Tempo Time Credits. Logging in allows you to view extra insights about your transactions, which cannot be viewed here. A video covering this can be found here.
- Ask the Customer for their Membership ID. This can be found on their online account or on their Membership Card. You cannot process a transaction without one.
- Choose the activity. You will see the activities which will have already have been listed for you by Tempo staff. If you'd like to add anything else here, just get in touch with us.
If you log in, you can add your own custom activities for one-off transactions. This feature is only enabled when you are logged in.
- Check any restrictions which might apply to the activity. These will pop up once you have selected the activity in question.
- Check any restrictions which might apply to the activity. These will pop up once you have selected the activity in question.
- Select the number and type of people who will be participating in the activity. You can choose between adults, and children who are under 16.
- Ask the Customer for their Membership ID. This can be found on their online account or on their Membership Card. You cannot process a transaction without one.
- Accept Tempo Time Credits! Make sure you also run this transaction through your internal booking or till system, to ensure the customer can attend the activity on the day it is taking place.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us using the details below. You can always click the Help button on the website if you get stuck. |
02920 566 132 |
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